Emily is wildly passionate about space exploration. Through Xploration Outer Space, she wants to prove that the space industry is more exciting today than ever before in history. Through Emily’s Wonder Lab, she wants all kids to feel emboldened by their curiosity. As the host of these programs, Emily works to explain science-related topics in an easily digestible, and entertaining, way. Increasing the level of scientific literacy among the general public is also something Emily cares deeply about. She believes that everyone, despite their educational background, can understand scientific topics. Emily hopes to convince more people of this and foster a higher level of scientific literacy in society through her work. Lastly, Emily wants to inspire more women and girls to pursue STEM careers and help them find the support that they need to fulfill their dreams in these fields. Over the years, many factors have deterred women, particularly women of color, from pursuing certain careers in STEM. Through her work, Emily hopes to address those factors and help make STEM a more welcoming environment for everyone. Courtesy of TheSpaceGal.